--> Getting Low Cost Car Insurance for Young Drivers
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Low cost car insurance for teenage drivers is not an impossible dream – but it requires a bit of planning and being proactive on your part. In our last post, we presented some ideas that can help you in getting the lowest auto insurance rates possible. Here are a few more things you can do.

Professional Driving School

Back when government actually worked for people and the wealthy actually paid their fair share to keep it running, public schools offered decent driver education courses free of charge. Now that government has abdicated its responsibilities in order to provide large tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans as well as global corporations that sell their goods in the U.S., it has led to a chain reaction that has caused a great deal of education funding to dry up. As a result, driver’s ed is a thing of the past; students today must pay as much as $300 for a few sessions that consist of little more than sound bites and slogans.

Your alternative is to enroll your child in a professional driving school. The cost is about the same, but the instruction is much more thorough. The best part however is that insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who graduate from these schools. It’s an investment that can easily result in more inexpensive car insurance.

Traffic School

Should your teenager get a moving violation, it will remain on his/her record for three years in most cases. However, in many cases (particularly a first offense), this can be avoided by agreeing to attend traffic school or defensive driving courses if a judge is willing to offer that alternative. This will serve two purposes: it will give the teen driver some great opportunities to consider the consequences of poor driving habits – and it will prevent a sudden rise in your premiums.

Choosing the Right Vehicle

It may be tempting to get your teenager that sporty car that you weren’t able to have back in your own salad days – but resist that temptation. First of all, these vehicles command high insurance costs. Secondly, operating such a vehicle will tempt your teenager to take more risks by driving a little faster (remember, they think they’re immortal).

The best and most economical choice is a late-model four-door sedan with all the latest safety equipment. These vehicles qualify for the lowest auto insurance rates.

Frank Discussions about Driving While Impaired

It’s difficult to talk with a teenager about drugs and alcohol – and particularly the ways in which these impair one’s ability to drive. Teens, after all, believe they know everything. They don’t – and the stakes are far too high to allow this issue to simply slide by or assume that it will take care of itself.

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