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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته أما بعد بعد كثرت طلبات الشرح المتعلقة بهدية okpay المقدرة ب 100$ قررت أن أضع هذ...

Picking the right forex broker is often the most important decision any new trader will make. In the past few years, there has been a vi...
Forex Tutorials and Training :Dark Cloud Cover Candlestick Pattern

Dark cloud cover is a bearish signal to investors, indicating that the price of a currency pair is soon the fall. Dark cloud cover begins ...

Forex - Le dollar U.S. a connu ce mardi son cinquième jour de cotation consécutif de retrait face à son homologue canadien, s'effondran...
Forex :Bar Charts and OHLC Charts

Bar charts and OHLC charts are one step up from line charts, in that they offer more data about the price changes that happen during the ba...

Line charts are some the least used charts in all of trading. Though line charts are incredibly simple to read and understand, often they ...

There are two different ways to study the foreign exchange market. The first of which, is fundamental analysis which relies on studying th...

Believe it or not, you can actually make money when a currency pair goes neither up nor down in price. Yes, that is right, you can make m...

In our example from the previous article, we actually alluded to a few things. The first, is that there were a few costs in our example t...
Learn Forex Market Trading Times

The foreign exchange market is the only market in the world that is open 24/7. Investors are able to place trades every single day of the...

The foreign-exchange market, or forex, is the largest market in the world by volume. That is, more money exchanges hands on the foreign e...

سوق تداول العملات (العملات الأجنبية، الفوركس، FX) هو أكثرالأسواق المالية تداولًا في العالم. حيث أن حجم التداول اليومي يتجاوز 3 تريليون دو...

In this section of the site you can find education articles which will help your learning curve. Remember the best trader is the educated ...
The Best Online Currency Trading System is Based on 4 Characteristics

When a Forex trader decides on an online currency trading system there are 4 things they should consider. Those 4 things are Context, Trend,...

All too often when we look at new Forex trading programs and Forex trading reviews we don’t take into consideration how the system creates...
How to Trade Forex - Lessons From A Group of Millionaire Traders to Help You Make Bigger Gains

In this article, we will look at how to trade Forex successfully and if you think you need to work hard or have a degree in economics to w...

Forex trading is a lot about timing. Knowing when to trade can have a major effect on the kind of results you're going to get. Basicall...

Hi are you looking to make money online ? You can easily earn over $100 a day using alertpay referral program REFER A FRIEND AND GET PAID ...
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